Wednesday, February 7, 2018

The No.1 ReHat Training Center | Rhcsa 1st Day Class romm Training|Linux Training

Accessing the command line using the Desktop

GNOME - GNU Network Object Model Environment

Opening Terminal using keybord

1)  Alt + f2 -> type gnome-terminal

2)  Win -> search terminal 

3)  Right click select openTerminal

4)  Application -> system Tools -> termina
Linux Shell

Shell is Command line interpreter.  The Shell is Interpreting our commands

Type of Shell 

1)  SH

2)  BASH

        Sh - Bourne Shell. Sh is shell for computer Operating System. The sh shell is older one. This is used in old version. This is not user friendly one.  The shell is defaultly  showing only version of the shell

        SH Shell Prompt

                Admin User  : [sh-v-1.2]#

                Normal Users  : [sh-v-1.2]$

        BASH – Bourne Again Shell. Compare then sh shell this is latest one. The bash shell is user friendly one. It will showing the currently logged username as well as the machine name and present working directory.   

 BASH Shell Prompt 

Admin user Shell Prompt [<username>@<hostname> pwd ]# 

Example [root@systme0~]#

Normal user Shell Prompt [<username>@<hostname>pwd]$

Example [student@systme0~]$

Basic command

1)   ls

2)  cd

3)  pwd

4)  date

5)  wc

6)  clear

7)  bc

8)  nl

9)  echo 

10)      history

ls - List
        ls - is a one of the command. The ls  command is used to list the files and directorys in current working directory

cd – Change Directory
        cd – is a on of the command. The cd  command is used to switch one directory to some other directory

pwd – Present Working Directory

        pwd – is one of the command. The pwd  command is used to print the Present Working Directory

        date - is one of the command. The date command is used to print the Current date and time

wc – Word Count

        wc – is one of the command. The wc command is used to count the number of character, number of words, number of lines in the input file

        clear – is one of the command. The clear command is used to clear our terminal. To make a fresh terminal like as.

BC – Binary Calculator 

        bc – is one of the command. The bc  command is used to perform the binary calculation on our terminal

NL– Line Number

        nl – is one of the command. The nl command is used to view the file content with line number


        echo – is one of the command. The echo command is used to print the system Variable values


        history – is one of the commad. The history  command is used to print the history of terminal. It will showing the previously executed commands

RHCSA Training Video Bellow

Monday, February 5, 2018

RHEL7 Intro Class first Day Environment RedHat Training Chennai

RHEL7 Intro Class

Ø First Day Class

Ø Introduction to the RHEL

Introducton to the RedHat Enterprise Linux
Advantage Of RHEL

ü security

ü Inbuild Firewalld

ü Linux core modules about the firewalld

ü Selinux   

        Security Linux about details

                PermissionVirus free

How to securely acting our RHEL product run on without  
      any warms and viruses.
Difference Between RHEL6 and RHEL7

v Init  ->first process of the rhel6

v System ->first process of the rhel7

v Iptables -> Using allow and deny the network level security

v Firewalld -> same allow deny the network level security

v Course DetailsRHCSA  about the datails

Ø Sa1 ->System administration 1

Ø Sa2 -> system administration 2

Ø Course code and all

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Red Hat Openstack Administration

     Red Hat Openstack Administration II (CL210)

Course overview
This course will also begin the transition from administering OpenStack using Horizon to using the unified command-line interface. Exam competencies covered in the course include: install and configure Red Hat OpenStack Platform (using OpenStack Director), manage users, projects, flavors, roles, images, networking, and block storage, automation (scale-out and scale-back), and build a customized image.

Openstack Multinode Architecture

Course content summary
  • Launch instances
  • Manage core OpenStack services using the unified command-line interface
  • Install an advanced proof-of-concept OpenStack deployment
  • Build a customized JEOS image
  • Automatically scale-out and scale-back applications
Audience and prerequisites
This course is designed for Linux system administrators, cloud administrators, and cloud operators.

Prerequisites for this course
  • Red Hat OpenStack Administration I (CL110) course or equivalent
  • Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA) certification      or equivalent knowledge and experience

Outline for this course

Course introduction
 Introduce and review the course.

Install the OpenStack overcloud
 Install overcloud in an OpenStack deployment.

Keystone identity service
 Install, configure, and use the Keystone authentication services.
Manage flavors
 Manage hardware profiles.
Manage networks
 Manage OpenStack networks.
Manage floating IP addresses
 Manage floating IP addresses.
Manage security groups
 Manage OpenStack security groups and security rules.
Manage instances
 Manage instances.
Add additional compute nodes
 Add additional compute nodes to OpenStack.
Build a customized image
 Build and customize an operating system image.

Deploy Red Hat OpenStack Platform Director
 Deploy Red Hat OpenStack Platform director. (undercloud).
Deploy scalable applications
 Deploy stacks (applications) that provide scale out/scale back capabilities.
Comprehensive review
 Review Red Hat OpenStack Platform II.

Networking terms in basic level

Basics of Computer Networking Open system: A system which is connected to the network and is ready for communication. Closed system...